38 Facts about me (As of 2017, January)

1/21/2017 01:10:00 AM
Its because this is my 38 post im going to post a 38 facts about me.
All beyond this line are truth and nothing but the truth. No lie, keme or anything it's from my baul of heart.

I'm Gay

I'm hookt in my native culture

I like lo-fi, africanish musics, jazz, contemporary jazz, aviandi, french-house electro music, bedroom pop, house music

I (declare) don't have any crush as of right now if I say I have a crush on someone its just temporary. Nothing more or only crush if its brought up but as of now I don't have any guy that keeps my mind busy thinking. Except for people who tweet/share stuffs in the internet but can't forseen in real life. What a joke. I want to communicate with them but I'm afraid they will just lie or get angry or something. I'M LIKE STOP BEING SAD!!! U CAN SHARE TO ME

I'm currently graduating this march. *yezzzzz*

I'm currently not capable of doing online job right now. *drools*

I have already destroyed the idea of maybe and what if. Since last time it almost killed me. Lol. And will brought up to the next one.

I have PTSD.

I have social anxiety

I am good at Photography

I don't like/afraid of an apple. *yep*

I love garlic bread so much. Specially if its deeped into a tomatos sauce. Homay.

I have been already experienced the thing called "trully deeply inlove" which in case didn't go well *I went in Naga City and leave him. Lol*

I still stalk my old crushes. Sorry :(

I can speak French *as long as they will give me time to translate it to my brain*

The worst movie I saw is "The Sand"

The very great superb movie I saw is "Love (2015)"

I love Studio Ghibli movies especially the My Neighbor is Totoro

I like giving warm hugs to those who are trying their best to be someone they don't want

I am makulit once I am drunk

I have already cried because of a movie.

I want to start enhance my drawings

You would know if I like you if I send stickers.

I know how to read feelings.

In contrary, I don't know how to read feelings that is showed to me : because I have social anxiety. So if you like me don't worry if you ask me *even I know no one will* I will not hurt you if you will confess a feeling to me. But I will try my best to push you outside the idea of liking me. But if you still insist then maybe I'll try?

I have "the fox" key chain, stuff toy from the Little Prince

I really really really really really love The Little Prince.

I'm not morning person

I don't like a human contact to boys *such as skin or any other thing* unless if I started to insist or like him

I have already thought of suicide *which is bad I know*

Simple things like "thank you, sorry, I love you" makes me giggles in a good way

I lie for the sake of goodness.

I don't want people to bully me/tease me to something else. I don't do that intentionally. If I say something bad about someone then probably I'm angry, or I said it randomly which incase I always say sorry

I only said "I love you" only if I mean it.

I don't believe in love. (debatable)

I believe in God

I believe in Other gods

I am existentialist

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