Yez I graduated. With all the ups and down.

5/22/2017 05:05:00 PM
So I keep telling to my self last March if I didn't march on March then I will slit my wrist really. Because I'm so done with all this struggles or challenges in my life. Yet, I graduated in my Alma Mater!!

With all the struggles I deal I manage to graduate in one of the most elite school in Bicol. I am blessed that it happened but I'm scared of what will happen next. 

So, what will happen next? It's been May and I traveled a lot for the past few months we went to Bulacan, La Union, Abra, Vigan, and Baguio. Which I think a graduation gift of my family to me and to my family too. For the hard work and sacrifices they've did to push up my schooling in my Alma Mater. The travel was exhausting yet fun. I went to places I wanted to (even we only have short time). I will definitely go back to Vigan and Baguio. I enjoyed there. Vigan has a lot of aesthetic places and a good place to take photos. The ancestral houses are really the one I enjoyed. It's too hot but I enjoyed the view. In Baguio I think it's the perfect place for summer since you really can't feel the heat. Specially if it's evening you can actually wear double jacket or two sweaters. You actually can wear sweaters at noon in the city but the odor of the city is bad because of the garbage. Nevertheless I will go back to this two places just to satisfy my needs.

Going back to the topic of post-graduate, I actually don't have any idea of what will happen next. I did plan some thing but it didn't work well. I would like to go first with having my business back (the phone verification service) I did have the phone thanks to my cousin however they've changed their rules. They changed it to 5 phone numbers per cellphone only which limits my earnings and stopped it since having 5 phone numbers with just a month is not sufficient on paying my monthly plan fee and other stuff. I told my self if it didn't work out I will go outside on my City (which by the way, I'm currently in my home town. Masbate City) and look for a job that is near to my City probably atleast 2-5hrs travel time. But I told my self to have a time table. I actually applied in a job career in my school and told my self to wait until July. If someone will send a follow up interview I will try my luck to get that job. If I did then I will stay there for 2-3years more or less. But if no one give a feedback on my application upto this upcoming August (August is my time table for waiting/vacay) then I will look for a job. As of now I'm completely lost on what to do. I'm afraid that no one is going to accept me because I'm a fresh graduate, doesn't have any job experience. Those things. But I will try my best to look for job. I will. I will follow the time table.

As of now, I'm doing some gigs. As you know that I have a background of photography and videography so as of now I'm accepting gigs such as weddings, birthdays, events, and etc. As of now I do have 2 weddings, the first wedding was already done last week. Which is soo exhausting. I didn't knew how to grasp to this kind of things again. I do this kind of things but when I started to study in my Alma Mater I went busy and focused on my study. I did have some mini-photoshoot but a portrait one. I did my best to work it out and I do hope it will work well. I'm a videographer by the way. The downside of being myself of being videographer is the unsteady hand and battery. Composition, exposure is pretty well great. The only problem I have is hand coordination and my battery. I only have 1. I'm planning to buy a new camera (well even I know it will take time) and a new tripod and a stabilizer and a mic. those three things. and latpop. A new one. Why's my hobby is so expensive. ;_; I hate this. Anyway, I do hope God is with me and find a way to actually get this things I need. I can put a lot of effort just to have those things hopefully I will get it sooner. SOONER.

God, please let me earn in ecommerce or IM. I need my needs to be filled up.


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