Everyone Is Having A Existential Crisis

7/12/2016 12:10:00 AM
So let's define first what is existential crisis is:

An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value. This issue of the meaning and purpose of existence is the topic of the philosophical school of existentialism.
(based on wikipedia)

To cut down everything into a simplest form. It means that existential crisis is having this question in their own mind:
Who am I?

What's my life purpose?
What's is after death?

If you have this question in your mind. Yes!!! You are having a existential crisis!!

I'm going to dissect everything I knew about this psychological problem. Soooo to start, people having this problem are sometimes having also gender crisis, mid-life crisis all crisis you can think of. (includes me with this problem, however I manage to solve it but I'll talk to it after). People often think that they are not living their life to the fullest. They usually happy outside but empty inside. 
Are they looking for belonging? I think so. 
Are their lost? Probably (In my opinion). 
They have this mind set that they are alone, no one loves them, asking for guidance to a divination of some sort. But to be honest really, yourself can answer those question.

I'm really intrigue what does existentialism came from or what it triggers as a human being. Is it because of the aspect of social environment? School? Since a bunch of people are actually having this problem when people are stressed out into something else and it will be stuck until they found the answer they are looking for. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I think it's both a good thing and a bad thing. But do you really need to categorize things to good and bad?

Existentialism is something like creating their own system and to be with that it has different agenda or approach to human being. I do have my own aspect or system and to be honest it satisfies me. I would just discuss it to someone I knew they needing of. Everyone has different kind of approach to how to solve it. It also takes time. Since you need to do some research of what, how, when, where all does questions.

It's too long if I will put it into context. It's better for a talk.

I just want to have some party since for myself solve it. Tho it's weird at least I am done with this problem. 

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