When u only have 4 hours of sleep because of me a major bullshit

8/25/2016 02:53:00 PM
I'm planning to leave my physical body. It's getting irritating, too much on everything. Trying to suppress everything that I can do. Things that I want to do. I just want to live to what I want. I wanna go homeeeeeeeeeee. I want to take a 5 years straight sleep right now. I just want to have a moment of my self.

Is it being selfish? Is it being uncaught bullshit? I don't knowwwwwwwwwwww.

I'm actually ignoring my session with my counselor because I have of a lot things to do.

Everything is piling up. The workload, the emotion, and I don't know what to doooo.

How do I get this shit done?

I want to write a long story blog but I'm just really really really really really tired. How I wish I can relive in my old life. Life where everything was just all happy and not this thing I'm currently in right now.

I can't even share to my friends because they even don't care. The sincerity is really really not there. Everything in my circle right now is totally fake and individually narcissist in their own way. Just thinking of their self. Nothing more.

Is this is what society is up to now?

I'm really really tired.

I don't know what else to do.

I can't even draw.
I can't even have a photography moment.
I can't do anything I'm passionate about.

Am I suicidal?
I dunno, I just want some rest. How about that?


My counselor can't help also. I don't see any wisdom with what they talk.

We are crumbling to earth.

I just want to have an apocalypse to happen. Just this moment. Really this moment. I do hope it's doable. How about that?
How about I cast a spell to summon planet Nibiru?

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