I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS ANIME FOR A WHILE NOW. AND FINALLY!! I FOUND IT!!!! (I'm not that weeb I'm just a fan of this anime)

It's called Angelic Layer

I discovered this anime in HERO (A Filipino Anime Dubbed Channel) and I have been so obsessed with this anime for almost a years. I was so astound on the doll and how you can upgrade the doll into a better one.

At that time Anime is really not that thing in the Philippines. It was just like a normal cartoon series but now it is actually a big thing here in the Philippines. This anime depicts everything that transcend into virtual reality. I still need to rewatch everything to give it up a review and I'm pretty sure this will be awesome.

Click this to watch all the anime episode: Link

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Everyone Is Having A Existential Crisis

So let's define first what is existential crisis is:

An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value. This issue of the meaning and purpose of existence is the topic of the philosophical school of existentialism.
(based on wikipedia)

To cut down everything into a simplest form. It means that existential crisis is having this question in their own mind:
Who am I?

What's my life purpose?
What's is after death?

If you have this question in your mind. Yes!!! You are having a existential crisis!!
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The legality of a label

Most of modern relationships these days deminish this idea but for me this is one of the important thing that a person can hold on to. It's maybe unsaid rule but it is should be necessary for something else. For instance "I own that Cabinet" given such any idea that that cabinet belongs to you even without legal documents or so and just putting some label on it.

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Don't ever try to pore directly to my eyes.

I have given a power by my beloved ancestors that I can read emotions, what do they feel, everything that is connected to that person. It usually comes when I just currently woke up and it is irritating me a lot. Specially if I didn't eat my heavy dinner and I just woke up.

I never understand why people can't do this.

I have special power. 

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