6/24/2016 11:51:00 PM

And I am scared.
And the reason is I don't know why.
Am I pressure?
Am I going to have a good pictures?

I don't know what kind of techniques should I use?

Should I put my super 8 film talent?
Make it more detailed kind of picture?
Make it more soft kind of picture?
Or more grainy picture?

Most of my photo's are things that will touch your heart. This things are more likely are for people who are lost. People who are in the dark. Will this be appropriate to the theme? Will this be appropriate to the judges? Will this be appropriate to the society?

I really want to win the contest.. I really want the fujifilm camera.

Ever since I started to took some photos I always say. Mirrorless camera are one of the greatest thing that is invented. But in modern technology right now its still on film.

Look at this mirrorless picture I've got:
(that me when I was a child)

I like the detail that the fujifilm can give with the camera films. The emotion inside of each of the frames in strip is outrageous. The practicality of the camera films are the best. Not these days. People will overly use social medias to upload their computer,internet to upload the photos. But then as you can see in the museums most of them are developed. Because that pictures in museums are worthful. Why do we take pictures again? People who took pictures should rethink this question. It's not just about the bragging or for the ego of your own but to remember something. Replenish the moment. Too look back all the moment given in that time. That's why I was happy when fujifilm created a camera that can be used in sd cards. I can now integrate my talent both in editing the photo and capturing the moment of the memory. Photographers always forget the idea that you store those memory because in a while you need to look back. To think what have you become up to this moment. Is it a good thing? or a bad thing? Do they need to be in a new path?

This photos will tell you that I really admire camera films.
all photos was taken, post process by me

I do really hope I win this contest. Please pray for me.

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