I'm Thorn on what to buy

So basically I have a budget to buy a new lens however I'm worried if do I really need it? Since there are still major things I need. Do I need it?
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Ateneo Film Society (AFS) (New Organization in Ateneo de Naga University; My school)

Soooooo I joined this organization since I am graduating student (that has a fucked up sentence organization. Lol) and I wanted to feel on what it feels like to work with people again.

However to start with this is that we are actually the founder of this organization this mean we need to do the paper works. Starting from the Constitution, Vision, Mission, and etc of the organization which is pain in the butt.

Anddddd also since it is FILM making I need to buy some new things to my camera (Yes I do have a camera and its the source of my life, and income)

I need this things to buy:
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What's Up Waddup

So basically I survived this thriving month. With a lot of pressure because of the debt!! LUCKILY I FOUND A CUSTOMER IN MY SERVICE (Phone Verification) and he brought 300 accounts (which is $300) that saves my life!

But before that I did pawn my lovely Camera (I almost teared up because it's the source of my life) and Manage to budget all the money given by my Parents (Love them a lot!)

Now I don't have a problem!! ........

I don't have??....
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