A natural process: Do we start hating our parents when we get older?

7/08/2018 05:49:00 PM
I've been in the peak of my patience this past few days due to the fact that my mother keeps calling me (using her phone) to summon me for food. And I'm either asleep when she is making this habits. And there is this proverb in my country that
'Mag biro ka nalang sa lasing wag lang sa bagong gising' (make fun on a drunk man rather than the person who have just awoken)

And i keep having this thought that I need to get out on this what we called home. And by that I mean build a new home for my self. Which is very needed as this moment. I am 23. Already have a work. And having a sustained income which means that I can live by myself. But its either I will be blocked out by my parents with their bigotry reasons.

Is this is my life now? Where I can't have a peace at mind because you are expected to do what they wanted and live by their rule? What about self-privacy? Can't we attain this thing with them? We outgrown our parents because of the education that we got. We are already mature. We have our own behaviour to which I believes not similar to them. Is this a very millennial attitude?

The thing that I'm afraid of is that I might hit them due to my impatience and it will be a disturbing scebe if that happens.

It's not that we don't want care and love. But being loved means letting go with the person that you love. And not to expect a result.

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